Test vectors for ristretto255

ristretto255 encodes group elements using 255 bits and provides a prime-order group of size 2^252. It can be implemented using Curve25519.

For ristretto255, the parameters are \[ \begin{aligned} p &= 2^{255}-19 \\ a_2 = a &= -1 \\ d_2 = d &= -121665/121666. \end{aligned} \] Field elements are considered negative when their low bit is set, as in Ed25519. The Elligator map uses \(n = +\sqrt{-1}\) as the quadratic nonresidue.

// The test vectors below also have code to test them against the
// curve25519_dalek implementation.
// These tests are run in CI against the curve25519-dalek implementation.

extern crate sha2;
extern crate hex;
extern crate curve25519_dalek;

# fn main() {
// The following are the byte encodings of small multiples 
//     [0]B, [1]B, ..., [15]B
// of the basepoint, represented as hex strings.

let encodings_of_small_multiples = [
    // This is the identity point
    // This is the basepoint
    // These are small multiples of the basepoint

// Test the encodings of small multiples

use curve25519_dalek::constants;
use curve25519_dalek::traits::Identity;
use curve25519_dalek::ristretto::RistrettoPoint;

let mut P = RistrettoPoint::identity();
for i in 0..16 {
    P = P + B;

// The following are invalid encodings, which should all be rejected.
// These are designed to test each of the checks during decoding.

let bad_encodings = [
    // These are all bad because they're non-canonical field encodings.
    // These are all bad because they're negative field elements.
    // These are all bad because they give a nonsquare x^2.
    // These are all bad because they give a negative xy value.
    // This is s = -1, which causes y = 0.

// Test that all of the bad encodings are rejected

use curve25519_dalek::ristretto::CompressedRistretto;

let mut bad_bytes = [0u8; 32];
for bad_encoding in &bad_encodings {

// The following are a list of UTF-8 encoded strings, and the byte
// encodings of performing hash-to-point with SHA-512.

let labels = [
    "Ristretto is traditionally a short shot of espresso coffee",
    "made with the normal amount of ground coffee but extracted with",
    "about half the amount of water in the same amount of time",
    "by using a finer grind.", 
    "This produces a concentrated shot of coffee per volume.",
    "Just pulling a normal shot short will produce a weaker shot",
    "and is not a Ristretto as some believe.",

let encoded_hash_to_points = [

// Test the encodings above.

use sha2::{Sha512, Digest};

for i in 0..7 {
    let point = RistrettoPoint::hash_from_bytes::<Sha512>(labels[i].as_bytes());
# }