Encoding in Extended Coordinates

The formulas on the previous page are given in affine coordinates, but the usual internal representation is extended twisted Edwards coordinates \( (X:Y:Z:T) \) with \( x = X/Z \), \(y = Y/Z\), \(xy = T/Z \).

This presents a complication for the cofactor-\(8\) case: selecting the distinguished representative of the coset requires the affine coordinates \( (x,y) \), and computing \( s \) requires an inverse square root. As inversions are expensive, we'd like to be able to do this whole computation with only one inverse square root, by batching together the inversion and the inverse square root.

It is not obvious how to do this, since we need the inverse square root of one of two values, depending on what the distinguished representative is, but the choice of representative depends on the affine coordinates. However, an ingenious trick (due to Mike Hamburg) allows recovering either of the inverse square roots we want.

Batching the Inversion and Inverse Square Root

Write \( (X_0 : Y_0 : Z_0 : T_0) \) for the coordinates of the initial representative, and write \( (X:Y:Z:T) \) for the coordinates of the distinguished representative of the coset.

Since \(y = Y/Z\), in extended coordinates the formula for \(s\) becomes $$ s = \sqrt{ (-a) \frac{ 1 - Y/Z}{1+Y/Z}} = \sqrt{\frac{Z - Y}{Z+Y}} \sqrt{-a} = \frac {Z - Y} {\sqrt{Z^2 - Y^2}} \sqrt{-a}, $$ so we need to compute \( 1 / \sqrt{Z^2 - Y^2} \).

The distinguished representative \( (X:Y:Z:T) \) is selected by the torquing procedure in step 1, which conditionally adds a \(4\)-torsion point \(Q_4\). As noted in the torquing section above, \( Q_4 = (\pm 1/\sqrt{a}, 0) \), so we obtain $$ (X : Y : Z : T ) = \begin{cases} (X_0 : Y_0 : Z_0 : T_0) \\ (\pm Y_0 / \sqrt{a} : \mp X_0 \sqrt{a} : Z_0 : -T_0) \end{cases} . $$ This means we want to compute either of $$ \frac {1} {\sqrt{Z^2 - Y^2}} = \begin{cases} 1 / \sqrt{Z_0^2 - Y_0^2} \\ 1 / \sqrt{Z_0^2 - aX_0^2} \end{cases} . $$ To relate these quantities, recall from the curve equation that $$ -dX^2Y^2 = Z^4 - aZ^2X^2 - Z^2Y^2, $$ so $$ (a-d)X^2Y^2 = Z^4 - aZ^2X^2 - Z^2Y^2 + aX^2Y^2. $$ Factoring the right-hand side gives $$ (a-d)X^2Y^2 = (Z^2 - Y^2)(Z^2 - aX^2), $$ which relates the two quantities we want to compute: $$ \frac 1 {Z^2 - aX^2} = \frac 1 {a - d} \frac {Z^2 - Y^2} {X^2 Y^2}, $$ so $$ \frac 1 {\sqrt{Z^2 - aX^2}} = \frac 1 {\sqrt{a - d}} \sqrt{ \frac {Z^2 - Y^2} {X^2 Y^2} }. $$

Explicit Encoding Formulas

Using this trick, we can write the encoding procedure explicitly:

  1. \(u_1 \gets (Z_0 + Y_0)(Z_0 - Y_0) \textcolor{gray}{= Z_0^2 - Y_0^2} \)
  2. \(u_2 \gets X_0 Y_0 \)
  3. \(I \gets \mathrm{invsqrt}(u_1 u_2^2) \textcolor{gray}{= 1/\sqrt{X_0^2 Y_0^2 (Z_0^2 - Y_0^2)}} \)
  4. \(D_1 \gets u_1 I \textcolor{gray}{= \sqrt{(Z_0^2 - Y_0^2)/(X_0^2 Y_0^2)} } \)
  5. \(D_2 \gets u_2 I \textcolor{gray}{= \pm \sqrt{1/(Z_0^2 - Y_0^2)} } \)
  6. \(Z_{inv} \gets D_1 D_2 T_0 \textcolor{gray}{= (u_1 u_2)/(u_1 u_2^2) T_0 = T_0 / X_0 Y_0 = 1/Z_0} \)
  7. If \( T_0 Z_{inv} \textcolor{gray}{= x_0 y_0 }\) is negative:
    1. \( (X, Y) \gets (Y_0 (\pm 1/\sqrt{a}), X_0 (\mp \sqrt{a})) \)
    2. \( D \gets D_1 / \sqrt{a-d} \textcolor{gray}{= 1/\sqrt{Z_0^2 - a X_0^2} = 1/\sqrt{Z^2 -Y^2} } \)
  8. Otherwise:
    1. \( (X, Y) \gets (X_0, Y_0) \)
    2. \( D \gets D_2 \textcolor{gray}{= \pm \sqrt{1/(Z_0^2 - Y_0^2)} = \pm 1/\sqrt{Z^2 - Y^2}} \)
  9. If \( X Z_{inv} \textcolor{gray}{= x} \) is negative, set \( Y \gets - Y\)
  10. Compute \( s \gets |\sqrt{-a} (Z - Y) D| \textcolor{gray}{= |\sqrt{-a} (Z - Y) / \sqrt{Z^2 - Y^2}| } \)
  11. Return the canonical byte encoding of \( s \).

The choice of \( Q_4 = (i, 0) \) when \( a = -1 \) is convenient since it simplifies 7.1 to \( (X,Y) \gets (iY_0, iX_0) \).

Explicit Decoding Formulas

As with encoding, we want to batch operations to use only a single inverse square root. However, the procedure is much simpler since there's no torquing.

On input s_bytes:

  1. Check that s_bytes is the canonical byte-encoding of a field element \(s\), otherwise reject.
  2. Decode s_bytes to \(s\).
  3. Check that \( s \) is nonnegative, otherwise reject.
  4. \( u_1 \gets 1 + as^2 \)
  5. \( u_2 \gets 1 - as^2 \)
  6. \( v \gets (ad)u_1^2 - u_2^2 \textcolor{gray}{= ad(1+as^2)^2 - (1-as^2)^2} \)
  7. \( I \gets \mathrm{invsqrt}( v u_2^2 ) \textcolor{gray}{= 1/\sqrt{v u_2^2} } \)
  8. \( D_x \gets Iu_2 \textcolor{gray}{= 1/\sqrt{v} } \)
  9. \( D_y \gets ID_x v \textcolor{gray}{= I^2 u_2 v = (v u_2) / (v u_2^2) = 1/u_2 } \)
  10. \( x \gets |2sD_x| \textcolor{gray}{= +\sqrt{ 4s^2 / (ad(1+as^2)^2 - (1-as^2)^2 )}}\)
  11. \( y \gets u_1 D_y \textcolor{gray}{= (1+as^2)/(1-as^2) } \)
  12. \( t \gets xy \)
  13. Check that \(t \) is nonnegative and that \( y \neq 0 \), otherwise reject.
  14. Return \( P = (x: y: 1: t) \)


Add explicit formulas for the cofactor 4 case.